Welcome back! Lowell TeleMedia Center will reopen its doors to members on August 3 with new safety precautions. The studios, edit rooms, and remote production equipment will be available for member productions by reservation. The open hours are Monday through Thursday from 10:00am to 9:00pm and Friday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. LTC will be closed on Saturdays.
Face coverings and gloves are required in the building at all times except for on-air talent during productions. Producers may not bring more than four people with them to studio A as crew or talent. Only one person at a time will be allowed to use the edit rooms. Studio B is still off limits as social distancing is not possible in the small space, but producers who used to use Studio B may reserve Studio A for their shows. Staff will clean equipment between uses.
Because there will be reduced staff hours on-site, the front door will remain locked. If you are at the door for an appointment, please ring the newly installed doorbell to gain admittance, or call the main phone number 978-458-5400. To make a reservation, please email smanock@LTC.org or call during open hours.
These reopening plans may be altered if COVID-19 conditions worsen in Middlesex County. Notices about LTC operations will be posted on the LTC website LTC.org and Facebook.
We are excited to welcome members back to LTC. Please stay safe!