Lowell TeleMedia Center will remain closed for another few weeks. The decision to delay opening the TV studios and podcast studio came after getting feedback from the Board of Directors, soliciting member opinions through an online survey, and meeting with producers via Zoom. Lowell continues to have new COVID-19 cases and most of those asked feel it would be safer to wait a few more weeks for the pandemic to slow. LTC staff is preparing a plan for reopening safely.
Although the building will be closed, we are committed to helping producers get new programs on the channels. Producers who would like to go live with their former live shows or with new live shows, are encouraged to reach out to staff for direction. We can facilitate the broadcast of shows via Zoom or other web meeting programs. Producers with taped programs can upload them to our video server for broadcast. Producers who would like to borrow media production equipment should contact Steve Manock to make arrangements. The equipment must be used for programs for the channels that will be completed within two weeks.
It has been wonderful to see how resourceful LTC producers have been in the weeks we have been closed. Many continued to send in new shows they recorded from home and we hope more producers will want to start up again remotely. Staff is working from home and can be reached via email.
For community programs: sacharya@ltc.org.
For Channel 8 and equipment: smanock@ltc.org.
For Channel 95: dbazarian@ltc.org.
For Channel 99: kmacneil@ltc.org.
For general questions, wblom@ltc.org or spedersen@ltc.org.
For membership questions: ntith@ltc.org.
Thank you for your patience. Keeping members and staff safe is our highest priority. We look forward to seeing you very soon. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact LTC’s Executive Director Wendy Blom.